Went into city later today, full of tourists. Awfull, people standing in the middle of street, not walking. You can’t go from a to b anymore. Didn’t take my bike, went walking. A wrong decision. Thought I buy some groceries at AH near Royal Palace at the Damsquire. Very stupid. Mega full of tourists, having vacation, buying one bottle water, a sixpack Heineken’s and a sandwich, they have all day the time…. Had to wait for almost 20 minutes in a que to pay for my things. Something like this can only happen here. The shops can’t find people to work for them anymore… so half of the counter are empty. Finally I got my stuff paid for, and had bought way to much, which I had to carry by hand the way home through the randomly walking tourists… I don’t have to mention how my humor was went i finally got home.

Later I went running (22 rabbits), had moved to a new schedule , 20 minutes running, 1 minute walking, 10 minutes running, again 1 minute walking and 10 minutes running. I managed to do it, altough in the end it was quite difficult, ended up running almost 45 minutes instead of the planned 40. Now sitting behind puter with pain in muscles. Hmmm but feels good.