Earlier this week, the latest edition of the hardcopy phonebook arrived. I’m always curious how I am mentioned in it. On top of the page, middle or somewhere hidden on the bottom. Strange habit, but I always do it. Abroad in a hotelroom, I always check the local phonebook to see if there is some one living there with my name. In Costa Rica there is now one living with my name… the have one book for the entire country, which is easy…

Last year, I was mentioned in the book (and internet and CD-Rom) with two different adresses. Technoly it is not possible, administrative it is. So, after numerous phonecalls, I didn’t want to write them since phoning is their ‘core-business’, I had it organised that my adress on the internet and at the information service was corrected. The book and the CD would be changed with the new edition.

You can almost guess what happened… this year I’m only mentioned with the wrong adress in the book! The correct adress from last year is gone! The mentioned adress is NOT the adress where I used to live, I don’t even know where that adress is. So, I called their information service, and after typing in several 5 (other services) I got immediately a lady on the phone. Explained the situation and she checked her system. There it was all correct, even the notification for the book was right. She couldn’t explain how it was possible that my adress was not correct. While on the phone, I checked the online phone-directory, detelefoongids .nl and discovered that there it was wrong again. So, to make a long story short, she will send me a paper to fill in and it will  be changed as soon as possible.

How this is all possible, I have a slight idea. Few years ago, I was still believing in all these ideas of competition is good for the market. Som with good experience of A2000 cable internet services, we got the offer to use telephony as well through cable. We even got a second fax line for free!!! As time went by, internet through the cable became popular around my neighbourhood, performance went downwards. Long story, maybe another blog one day. End of the story was, all contract with the now called UPC were cancelled and our phonenumber went back to KPN. At UPC it still is a huge chaos, I received two months a phonebill for my last month of telephony with them, april 2000. I refused to pay such an old bill and told them. Haven’t heard from them since… maybe in 2 months time again… I’m sure that all these problems are the result of the battle between KPN and UPC.

So, I will have to explain every pizza delivery service my correct adress. Will not get cards from secret lovers. Stalking will be more difficult. Hmmm.

Btw: I bought today a webcam .

Bor, this test is for u!

I AM 31% GEEK.
 I probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. I never really fit in with the “normal” crowd. But I have friends, and this is a good thing.
Take the GEEK Test at!