Saw this evening Seven . Now this is what I call a great movie… (From director David Fincher (Fight Club) comes the psychological thriller about two detectives on the trail of “John Doe”, a serial killer who chosses his victims according to the seven deadly sins.)
First time I saw a movie on DVD. Discovered lots of goodies on the disc. Comment from the actors, director and filmcritics. It’s possible to see the movie many times in different way’s. Great if you want to make a study about it [ watch the trailer ].

Earlier today, I drove my car, which was fixed again. Since a long, long time, I enjoyed driving it. Felt happy in it. It has been washed (thank you) and fixed (thank you). Want to go soon for a long ride.

This morning I got up quite happy. Enjoying the extra hour thanks to the ‘daylightsavingprogram’. Didn’t change all the clocks around me. Trying to wait as long as possible, gettingmost out of the kick.
Wondering by myself if it’s possible to have a 25 hour a day, change. Can we (humans) do something, so the day’s will last 1 hour longer. Do we need to change the rotationspeed of the earth for it? Slower I suppose, how many day’s will a year have then… Maybe we can introduce a decimal calendar? Has any thought of this before? Am I the only one with this weird thoughts?