Lancaster Memorial

Today it rained all the time. This morning I went with my family to the unveiling of the Memorial at the place where my grandparents farm once stood. Speaches from the British, Canadian and Australian embassador, and the vice-mayor from Amsterdam were wonderfull. Will see if I can get some transcript from them.
After this we all went outside and had the monument unveiled. Propellor-blades from the crashed Lancaster plane which was excavated last year. A lot of flowers went put with the monument.

It was good to be there with so many people. All the things that had happened so long ago, not only my family have been suffering from it. It was a good moment to share all emotions coming during an event like this forward. Our family, together with the families from Great Britain, Canada and Australia.
Later we joined a church mess and the funeral for the 5 crew members who were never buried…

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[BTW, filmcrews from the The Netherlands, the UK, Canada and Australia were around, so maybe you’ll see something on tv soon]