home-made adventure
Last week this artist Joost Conijn came back from a 2 months tour through eastern europe. He made this tour in a wooden car. This car was built on the basis of a Citroën ds/id, but had a wooden built-up and the engine was changed to make it run on wood. Reason for it? He wanted to get to places where he wouldn’t get with a normal gasoline fueled car. Thought to be more independent without the need for gasoline. That wasn’t true, he needed more help from the locals in eastern europe. He needed lots of wood to burn into the engine. More then he could find a chop himself. So, he helped the local with several service in change for wood. Starting the engine would take 15 to 60 minutes before it was ready to drive. He had some great experiences with the locals, “Albania is one of the best holiday countries in europe”… ha ha ha.
A film and pictures are coming soon to an exhibition near you…

2000, joost conijn: vliegtuig / airplane

A few years ago he did a similar project with an airplane in the african sahara. Trying to fly with homemade plane… he managed to fly in the end. All very well pictured in a great film. Maybe you’ve seen it somewhere.
[ more pics @ platform a SCCA ]