last week, we managed to get the latest version of the website live. the new website is designed and built by Total Identity. I’m quite happy with it. They did a great job. Later the site wil grow with a huge archive of promising young artists who all participated in one of the four biennials in Rotterdam, Luxembourg, Ljubiana or Frankfurt. have a look at the site and let me know what you think of it.
(in 1996 i built the first edition of the manifesta website, my first steps into website developement, a lot of things happened since then)

Did you know that Christoph Büchel, officially invited artist for Manifesta 4, is auctioning his invitation and participation rights at eBay ? Auctions closes March 29th.

went to work after spending four day’s sick at home. again two meetings during the day. again a huge headache in the afternoon.