Volvo cars look good in red and since the start, Volvo has used red colored cars in their advertising. This week we are looking a some examples.

2011 - Collection of Volvo's in red.

Some facts about red cars:

According to optometrists, red is the most difficult to see color. (source)

Red is the most controversial of colors. Many drivers claim that by driving a red car they get stopped less for speeding and have less accidents. On the other hand, red car drivers complain that because they drive red cars they are stopped more often for speeding and are moving targets for accidents. (source)

Owners of both red and black cars say the interior warms up faster than in other colored cars. This is due to the absorption of heat rays from the sun. Depending on season and locale this may be good or not so good. (source)

Red is the preferred color by sports car drivers. (source)

Psychology of Color: Red
If you want to draw attention, use red. It is often where the eye looks first. Red is the color of energy. It’s associated with movement and excitement. People surrounded by red find their heart beating a little faster and often report feeling a bit out of breath. It’s absolute the wrong color for a baby’s room but perfect to get people excited. Wearing red clothes will make you appear a bit heavier and certainly more noticeable. (Some studies show red cars get more tickets but that maybe because the red car owners drive faster or the ticket giver notices the movement of the red car more prominently). Red is not a good color to over use but using a spot of red in just the right place is smart in some cases (one red accent in a otherwise neutral room draws the eye; a red tie with a navy blue suit and white shirts adds just the right amount of energy to draw the eye (no wonder it’s the “uniform of the day” at the seats of government). Red is the symbol of life (red blooded life!) and, for this reason, it’s the color worn by brides in China. Red is used at holidays that are about love and giving (red roses, Valentines hearts, Christmas, etc.) but the true color of love is pink. Pink is the most calming of all colors — often our most dangerous criminals are housed in pink cells as studies show that color drains the energy and calms aggression. Think of pink as the color of romance, love, and gentle feelings, to be in the pink is to be soothed. (source)

According to DuPont annual Automotive Color Popularity Report, six percent of new cars in Europe are red, while in North America it was 11 percent. (source)