Volvo Photo Locations Part 266

2012 – Volvo S80 2.0 T at Ankarsmedja near Klippan in Göteborg

2012 – Volvo S80 at Ankarsmedja near Klippan in Göteborg

2017 – Ankarsmedja near Klippan in Göteborg (Panoramio)

2017 – Ankarsmedja near Klippan in Göteborg (Google Streetview)
Ankarsmedjan is a building and part of the Klippans kulturreservat in the citypart of Majorna in Göteborg. In the smithy they manufactured anchor and chain to the Ostindiska kompaniets ships, which had its place just around the corner.
The building is believed to be from the 1770’s, but there is no exact date for the construction. According to an oral tradition it would have belonged tot the Älvsborg fästning, but this has not been proved. On a map from 1783 the Ankarsmedja is shown.
Operations in the anchor smithy has varied over the years. The building’s eastern part was conducted recently herring smokehouse and foundry. It was later to be the storehouse for various workshops. Göteborg city renovated the building in the early 1970’s, a brick floor was added, whitewashed walls and a staircase was built up to the loft, which was reduced in size. Architects for the renovation was Forser Bengt Christer Larsson.
Gallery Kusten moved in 1973 from Klippan to Ankarsmedja and stayed there for until 2000. The following year it was taken over by Sjömagasinet restaurant, which has its main location, also around the corner.
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