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Posts tagged Vaxholm

Skärgårdsbåtens Dag

Today it was Skärgårdsbåtens Dag! Skärgårdsbåtens Dag was first celebrated in 1964 with some of Waxholmsbolagets steamboats. Since then, the event has grown to include dozens of ferries and thousands of passengers and spectators, and is organized each year in early June by the Skärgårdens trafikantförening. It is organised to mark the start of the […]

Resarö Coffee

Waxholms Kafferosteri – Resarö- 500g Lätt mörkrostat kaffe för brygg, presskanna och kok. Mathias Patriksson, rostmästare Waxholms Kafferosteri: På Resarö, där jag bor, växer det fruktträd, plommon, jordgubbar och vinbär i många trädgårdar. Här kliver man runt i blåbärs- och lingonris – dofter, smaker och knak under fötterna. När jag tänker på det, då känner […]


Painted today the fence around our garden. It must have been some time that is was painted, since almost all the paint was gone. We used the original paint color that was selected when our house was built in 1975, Resaröröd or Resarö Red. This color has the following code: YO=114.00 RO=220.00 S=48.00. The difference […]

Skärgården boat tour

First time out on the water today, picked up at Resarö by friends with their boat. More pictures in my Picasa album.

Norrgavel Mirror

Finally I managed to hang up the large mirror in our hall at home. www.norrgavel.se

Winter on Bogesundslandet

Impressions of the winter landscape at Bogesundslandet in Vaxholm. Bogesundslandet is a nature area north of Stockholm, in the Vaxholm community. The parc is state-owned and has both forrest and farmland. It has a huge varity of wildlife.

Winter in Vaxholm

A wonderful day in Vaxholm, we took a beautiful walk through Vaxholm.

Vaxholm in the mist

Vaxholm today. Kastellet was difficult to see, due to the huge fog. BTW did you know this used to be the pirat castle of the father of Pippi Långstrump.


Visiting Stockholm, Drottningholm, Gustavsberg and Vaxholm for looking for houses.

Sunset at Resarö