While cleaning up my house, I saw a policecar with lights and alarm driving through the street. Minutes later I saw this green Volkswagen Golf with a smashed driverswindow passing and stopping in the street after making some strange movements. It was obvious he was trying to hide behind this small Italian threewheeled Piaggio-truck. Then the policecar came and luckely they saw them. They stopped and got out of the car with the pulled guns in their hands. I was standing and watching this from 4th floor with my window open. And thinking: my camera, where is my camara… and ran downstairs to get my ixus. While coming back I heard a few bullit shot’s.
Back at the window I saw these two men lying on the floor with policemen standing above them and shouting at them. A third guy was taken out of the car.

Two men were hit by police bullits, I suppose, the third one was immediately taken to a policecar and being driven away. The wounded men were taken care of, by the cops and shortly later 2 medical teams arrived and a trauma helicopter. They took them to hospital. Didn’t see any blood coming out of them.

Was expecting an comfy afternoon. Almost 2 hours later, my street is still a crime scene with the car still standing open and waiting to be examinised.

AT5 wrote:
In de Donker Curtiusstraat in Westerpark is zaterdagmiddag rond vijf uur een flinke schietpartij geweest. Meteen hierna vertrokken een onbekend aantal auto’s van de plek des onheils.
De politie kon in de Van Hallstraat een van de voertuigen onderscheppen. De inzittenden zijn gearresteerd. Bij die arrestatie is een waarschuwingsschot gelost.
Bij het schietincident raakten in ieder geval twee mensen gewond. Beiden zijn door de trauma-helicopter naar een ziekenhuis vervoerd.