A screen-shot shows the interface for Mosaic 1.0, one of the first versions of groundbreaking internet browser. Mosaic almost instantly made the cumbersome and technically complex domain of scientists and computer geeks simple enough for anyone to use to find documents on the World Wide Web. [ AP ]

yesterday it was ten years ago that the first webbrowser came avaliable… the ncsa mosaic browser…. from this program netscape was developed and later microsoft copied this one and improved it to create the market leader internet explorer…

see this old message from marc andreessen doing the announcement: NCSA Mosaic 1.0 released … or download it and have that special moment once more.. (hi hi)

read the mosaichistory that started the whole dot.com industry at www.ncsa.uiuc.edu at http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Divisions/PublicAffairs/MosaicHistory/impact.html